Don't rush for a child to stop sucking mother's milk too early ❤🍀
Cherish the moments of embracing and breastfeeding your baby, because those moments last only a few years. For the rest of your life, you will miss the feeling of being close to your baby.
Did dairy mothers know that in human history, it is completely normal to breastfeed up to 3 or 4 years old? In modern society, we increasingly shorten that time to 2, 1 year, or even 6 months or less. However, there are still many parts of the world where mothers breastfeed for an extended period due to tradition or understanding the value of breast milk.

Many families question why it is necessary to breastfeed for so long. Continued breastfeeding brings many benefits to the health and psychology of both mother and baby. Despite the emergence of formula milk, some believe breast milk loses its importance after 6 months, which is a misconception. Breast milk after 6 months still contains protein, fat, and other essential nutrients tailored to your baby’s needs. It also maintains antibodies to protect the baby’s health.
Sometimes, we focus on nutrition and forget that breast milk provides live antibodies without the need for any specific food or drugs. In fact, some antibodies in breast milk are more prevalent in the second year of life than in the first year. This is natural because older babies are more exposed to bacteria and diseases. Breast milk contains growth substances to improve the immune system, brain development, and the digestive system.
Babies weaned before the age of 2 are more likely to develop diseases. Children aged 1-3 years old who are still breastfed are less likely to get sick, and when they do, they recover faster. Breast milk plays a crucial role in helping sick babies, providing nutrition, antibodies, and the comforting touch they need.
Scientists suggest that the human weaning age ranges from 2 to 7 years. Pediatricians should be informed about the benefits of prolonged breastfeeding, including health benefits, psychological benefits, and breast milk as a safe source of nutrition during emergencies.
Looking at society, you’ll find people expressing negative views about breast milk. Let’s dispel those beliefs – breast milk does not lose substance, and its quality remains consistent, regardless of geographic or economic factors.
Now, let’s address a ‘legend’ that many mothers wonder about – breastfeeding for too long. Prolonged breastfeeding can contribute to a child’s independence. A baby breastfed for an extended period is often perceived as more independent and confident. Allowing the baby to wean naturally contributes to their sense of achievement and independence. Avoid rushing milestones; let your baby experience them gradually.
Let go of social stereotypes, consider human history, and be confident that prolonged breastfeeding has numerous benefits for both mother and baby. Don’t be in a hurry to wean your baby.
“Cherish the moments of embracing and breastfeeding your baby because they only last for the first few years of your life, and for the rest of your life, you will miss the feeling of being close to your baby. “